Pulp Sci-Fi Covers are Funny!
Right, here's a little something extra and it's exclusive to the HTML version of Maggie.
I spotted a number of these classy classic science fiction pulp maazine covers
from the golden age of sci-fi, namely the 1930's through to the 1940's.
Rather inevitably, thoughts turned to adding alternative captions to these pictures.
The end result is what you are getting now!
CiH in November 2015..
"Quit screwing around Chewie and let me go!"
yelled 1940's Han Solo. Leia though was happy
enough with her classy outfit.
Superhero cosplay and arcade games make
uneasy bedfellows, especially when Steve
came along as Captain Somewhat-Peeved.
"Aww little baby Cthulu's, sweeeet!
Let's kill 'em all!"
"No, no, man from the future, this isn't
a 'blow job' as we in the 20th century
understand it!"
The Nintendo Brainboy was ground breaking
hardware, but only had 'Horaces's Tedious
Dino Adventure' to show off at its launch.
In the future, hair transplants from candy
floss and Apple iHearts were the greatest
and most acclaimed medical breakthroughs.
"What's with the girl in that giant cocktail
shaker? Some kinda student prank or what!"
Everything was going swimmingly with the live
and fully conscious swimwear model cloning,
until the power cut happened, just moments
after this picture was taken.
The retro-futuristic replacement for the
local bus service was a real nightmare!
In a 'world without women', it was painfully
apparent that the prototype sexbot was going
to need a lot more work!
Back to the Funny stuff.