Friday 3 Mars, during the Extraordinary General meeting of Centek at the head office (28 street of the sorbiers 60290 Laigneville), I have resigned my leadership position to protest against the decision of 3 associates not to finish the software development of Phenix 060. By May 12, Barred St‚phane and myself already sold our shares of the Centek company. I thus turn over the Centek page definitively after many efforts for to envision, spearhead, develop... and lead. With the exception of my transmitted hardware knowledge, the only part me that remains in Centek is the name which is the contraction of CENTaur TECHnologies, Centaur being the pseudonym which I chose in 1984 when I started to put my nose in the microcomputer... and the squandering of an era... I will thus wish that one not confuse me any more with Centek, because I do not want anymore a thing to do with this company ! The new head (official date?) is Ronan Cardaut (one of the three developers of dolmen...). Information that we already, I and Stephane, during the AGE and the days following breakup of the company... which often changes, but what we think it is that there will be nothing to expect from it for the atari (if you want to wait for dolmen...). It seems that the goal is always to commercialize the driving logic of laser of Class 4... It is sad to come to this when one has Phenix 060 on a rack... -------------------------------- I continue support CT2 if people still have problems... There are no more CT2 since February 3, but it could still be some at System Solutions in the U.K. (see on the Web). If you wish to find one of them, let it me know because I start a waiting list, and if there are 30 orders, it could be produced again... The PCI DSP 'DEESSE' card for Milan 060 is finished, and an 'English product brief' page is available to those who want it in 'word', RTF and HTML versions. Contact me. The mother board RIORED will be slightly delayed because of the arrival of the next, new, and more interesting PPC at IBM... The design is finished. I am now re-entering the schematics in my circuit router. I will be present at the atari/amiga show in Neuss June 10 and 11. Thanks for your attention. Rodolphe CZUBA 28, rue des Sorbiers F-60290 LAIGNEVILLE FRANCE email :