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    - - --::. We go Global .::-- - -

The Wedding of Felice - A tale of New York in 2007. Someone, somehow, decided to get married there.

The Egyptian Felician - The Arab Spring and Felice remembers a holiday taken in Egypt a long long time ago.

Felice vs The Volcanic Ashcloud! - An Icelandic volcano erupts, and it's nothing that Bjork could sing about. Can Felice get home from Spain? Find out!

    - - --::. Party Reports in full .::-- - -

Alternative Party 2011 - The Red Machine special! A story of Sovietistic endeavor and achievement brought to you from Helsinki.

Sillyventure 2011 - Oldschool party noises are echoing from a school gym in deepest Gdansk! Was this the party to beat all others? Read on!

Outline 2012 - Autumn leaves were falling, and were promptly scooped up and shoved on the bonfire in Eersel, the Netherlands.

00oo - Mag! - Released Dec 2012.. - oo00